Friday, December 24, 2010

Yay Blog :D

Well hello everyone, if you are here is because somehow CFCP referred you to my blog and you are done with your Christmas shopping for this year. I will warn you right away that I am not the best writer in the world, but who cares right? This is just something I will be doing for fun and to keep you well informed of all things that probably do not matter much to you but mean a lot to me.

I will first start by telling you that I am a somewhat happily retired swimmer. Why do I use the word "somewhat"? because due to some things that happen I decided it was in my best interest to continue my journey as an athlete in the sport of CrossFit. Although I use the word "somewhat" I do not want anyone to think that I am not happy doing what I do now, in fact if it wasn't for all thats happened to me in the past year I wouldn't be the happy person I am right this second writing this blog. I will go in depth with my swimming retirement on another blog.

Anyways...CrossFit rocks, specially when you do it next to people like Carson, Nikki, Dave, Fio to mention a few. It has completely changed my life in every aspect of it, and the best part is that I now want to help others change their life like it changed mine.

So writing these blogs and learning how to organize my ideas and put them into words is going to be tough because I am the most distracted person ever but bear with me and you will hopefully find things here that will interest you and help you change your for now this is it, please keep coming back as I will continue to post weekly.


P.S: I totally forgot to wish everyone a Merry Christmas :D